50-Year Achievers (2007-2024)

The list of 50-year achievers continues to grow as time passes. The commitment these individuals have to the success of MIT inspires excellence in those of us just starting our careers here. Great thanks goes out to all of our longtime colleagues!

Harold Abelson
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Brian F. Adams
Lincoln Laboratory
Roshan L. Aggarwal
Lincoln Laboratory
Thomas Allen
Sloan School of Management
Nancy J. Alusow
Lincoln Laboratory
Robert C. Armstrong
Department of Chemical Engineering
Michael Artin
Department of Mathematics
Nicholas A. Ashford
School of Engineering
Deborah M. Atwood
MIT Federal Credit Union
Maria T. Bachini
MIT Medical
Arthur B. Baggeroer
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Arnold I. Barnett
Sloan School of Management
Dennis Baron
Information Systems & Technology
Paul Henry Bauer
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Ulrich J. Becker
Department of Physics
Julian Beinart
Department of Architecture
John Winston Belcher
Department of Physics
Moshe E. Ben-Akiva
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
George Benedek
Department of Physics
Robert Berger
Lincoln Laboratory
Suzanne Berger
Department of Political Science
Alan D. Bernard
Lincoln Laboratory
Aron M. Bernstein
Department of Physics
Stephen L. Bernstein
Lincoln Laboratory
John U. Beusch
Lincoln Laboratory
Emilio Bizzi
Institute Professor
Robert J. Bobricki
Department of Biology
David R. Bold
Lincoln Laboratory
Edward Boughan
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
Louis Braida
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
James Bruce
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Louis L. Bucciarelli, Jr.
Program in Science, Technology, and Society
Joseph D. Burger
Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Bernard Burke
Department of Physics
Stephen K. Burns
Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
Michael L. Burrows
Lincoln Laboratory
Claude R. Canizares
Department of Physics
Min Chen
Department of Physics
Sow-Hsin Chen
Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Hung Cheng
Department of Mathematics
Eleanor Chin
Sloan School of Management
Noam Chomsky
Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
Nazli Choucri
Department of Political Science
Chryssostomos Chryssostomidis
Department of Mechanical Engineering
David D. Clark
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
George Clark
Department of Physics
Deborah J. Cohen
School of Engineering
Clark K. Colton
Department of Chemical Engineering
Jerome Connor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Chathan M. Cooke
Research Laboratory of Electronics
Fernando Corbato
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Eric R. Cosman
Department of Physics
Charles C. Counselman, III
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Ernest G. Cravalho
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Janet L. Cronin
Corporate Relations - OSATT
James M. Daley
Research Laboratory of Electronics
Ramachandra Rao Dasari
Department of Chemistry
Richard L. de Neufville
Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
Maureen DeCourcey
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Jack Dennis
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
C. Forbes Dewey Jr.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
John Jacob Deyst
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Peter A. Diamond
Institute Professor
Steven M. Dimond
Copy Technology Centers
Peter S. Donaldson
Literature Section
Judith A. Donlan
Lincoln Laboratory
Mildred "Millie" Dresselhaus
Institute Professor
Michael J. Driscoll
Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Deena L. Dubin
Lincoln Laboratory
Richard M. Dudley
Department of Mathematics
John Dugundji
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Thomas H. Dupree
Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Ira Dyer
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Jean M. Dzengeleski
Office of the Provost
Herbert H. Einstein
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Lawrence Evans
Department of Chemical Engineering
Katherine A. Fellows
Lincoln Laboratory
Richard R. Fenner
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Joseph Ferreira, Jr.
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Leslie A. Finck
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
Edward Fitzgerald
Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Woodie C. Flowers
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Robert M. Fogelson
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Clifton G. Fonstad, Jr.
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Eleanor Forsberg
Lincoln Laboratory
Maurice Fox
Department of Biology
Frederick August Frey
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Jerome Friedman
Department of Physics
Lawrence Frishkopf
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Donna M. Fucillo
Department of Facilities, Custodial Services
Harry Gatos
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Stephanie M. George
Office of the Provost
John N. Goddard
Robert F. Goeke
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
Reinhard K. Goethert
Department of Architecture
Michael W. Golay
Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Ann M. Graybiel
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Institute Professor
Frederick Greene
Department of Chemistry
Thomas J. Greytak
Department of Physics
Robert Guy Griffin
Department of Chemistry
Peter Griffith
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Victor W. Guillemin
Department of Mathematics
Kent Hansen
Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
John H. Harbison
Music and Theater Arts
Jerry A. Hausman
Department of Economics
Alan V. Hein
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Frederick Hennie, III
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Kenneth L. Hewitt
Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Peter E. Hicks
Department of Facilities, Mail Services
Walter Hollister
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Berthold K.P. Horn
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
David E. Housman
Department of Biology
David E. Housman
Department of Biology
Louis A. Isgur
Information Systems & Technology
Yukikazu Iwasa
Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Robert L. Jaffe
Department of Physics
Willard R. Johnson
Department of Political Science
John Kangas
Lincoln Laboratory
William Kantrowitz
Lincoln Laboratory
Barbara C. Karampalas
Department of Biological Engineering
Gordon Kaufman
Sloan School of Management
Daniel S. Kemp
Department of Chemistry
Jack Kerrebrock
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Langley C. Keyes, Jr.
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Alvin C. Kibel
Literature Section
James L. Kirtley Jr.
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Vera Kistiakowsky
Department of Physics
Daniel J. Kleitman
Department of Mathematics
Daniel Kleppner
Department of Physics
Wade M. Kornegay
Lincoln Laboratory
Stanley Kowalski
Department of Physics
Chester Kurys
Lincoln Laboratory
Richard T. Lacoss
Lincoln Laboratory
Richard C. Lanza
Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Richard C. Larson
Engineering Systems Division
Virginia R. (Jeannie) Lauricella
Institute Affairs
Heather Nan Lechtman
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Ping M. Lee
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Andrew B. Lippman
Program in Media Arts and Sciences
Barbara H. Liskov
Institute Professor
Dave Litster
Department of Physics
Harvey F. Lodish
Department of Biology
Earle L. Lomon
Department of Physics
Stuart E. Madnick
Sloan School of Management
Ole S. Madsen
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Thomas L. Magnanti
Institute Professor, Sloan School of Management
Richard S. Marcus
Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
Roger G. Mark
Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
Joseph T. Mayhan
Lincoln Laboratory
William McGonagle
Lincoln Laboratory
John McMillan
Lincoln Laboratory
Chiang Chung Mei
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Jeffrey A. Meldman
Sloan School of Management
Paul T. Menadier
Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
Borivoje Mikic
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Jerome H. Milgram
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Frederick E. Miller
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
Theresa J. C. Mislick
Office of the Arts
Fred Moavenzadeh
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ernest J. Moniz
Department of Physics
Rachel Morton
Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Joel Moses
Institute Professor
Stewart C. Myers
Sloan School of Management
Alan Natapoff
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
David M. Nathanson
Lincoln Laboratory
Nicholas P. Negroponte
Media Lab
J. Nicholas Newman
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Barbara H. Nickerson
Sponsored Accounting
Carl E. Nielsen
Lincoln Laboratory
Charles Niessen
Lincoln Laboratory
Wayne O'Neil
Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
Amedeo R. Odoni
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Charles M. Oman
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Vincent A. Orlando
Lincoln Laboratory
David M. Otten
Research Laboratory of Electronics
Frances M. Page
Materials Processing Center
David A. Palmer
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Ronald E. Parker
Information Systems & Technology
Lisa R. Peattie
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Paul Penfield, Jr.
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Sheldon Penman
Department of Biology
Muriel A. Petranic
Gray House
Gordon Pettengill
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Robert S. Pindyck
Sloan School of Management
Michael J. Piore
Department of Economics
Charlene M. Placido
Office of the Provost
Irwin Pless
Department of Physics
William L. Porter
Department of Architecture
Mary C. Potter
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
William F. Pounds
Sloan School of Management
Ronald G. Prinn
Center for Global Change Science
David E. Pritchard
Department of Physics
Ronald Probstein
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dennis H. Pruslin
Lincoln Laboratory
Charles Rader
Lincoln Laboratory
Uttam L. Rajbhandary
Department of Biology
Saul A. Rappaport
Department of Physics
Robert Rediker
Research Laboratory of Electronics
Albert P. Richard
Lincoln Laboratory
George R. Ricker
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
James Ritchie
Lincoln Laboratory
Edward B. Roberts
Sloan School of Management
Alan E.E. Rogers
Haystack Observatory
Robert Michael Rose
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Lawrence Rosenson
Department of Physics
Mary Rowe
Sloan School of Management
Kenneth C. Russell
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Gerald E. Sacks
Department of Mathematics
Jerome H. Saltzer
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Harvey M. Sapolsky
Department of Political Science
Edgar Schein
Sloan School of Management
Peter Schiller
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Richard L. Schmalensee
Sloan School of Management
Gerald Edward Schneider
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Michael S. Scott Morton
Sloan School of Management
Marie E. Seamon
Institute Events, Conference Services
Campbell Searle
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Stephen D. Senturia
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Dietmar Seyferth
Department of Chemistry
Jeffrey H. Shapiro
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Thomas Sheridan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ethan R. Signer
Department of Biology
Anthony J. Sinskey
Department of Biology
Jay Sklar
Lincoln Laboratory
Eugene Skolnikoff
Department of Political Science
Richard L. Slattery
Lincoln Laboratory
Henry Ignatius Smith
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Kenneth A. Smith
Department of Chemical Engineering
David M. Snider
Lincoln Laboratory
Lydia S. Snover
Office of the Provost
Antonio M. Soares
Lincoln Laboratory
John B. Southard
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Diana Lees Spiegel
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Ronald E. Sprague
Lincoln Laboratory
Nancy W. Stauffer
MIT Energy Initiative
Arthur Steinberg
Anthropology Program
Lisa A. Steiner
Department of Biology
Jeffrey I. Steinfeld
Department of Chemistry
Timothy Stephens
Literature Section
Mark L. Stevens
Lincoln Laboratory
Irvin Stiglitz
Lincoln Laboratory
Gilbert Strang
Department of Mathematics
Nam Pyo Suh
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Lawrence E. Susskind
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Gerald J. Sussman
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Joseph M. Sussman
Engineering Systems Division
John A. Tabaczynski
Lincoln Laboratory
Edwin F. Taylor
Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Peter Temin
Department of Economics
William G. Thilly
Department of Biological Engineering
Marcus A. Thompson
Institute Professor
Richard Thornton
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Samuel Ting
Department of Physics
M. Nafi Toksoz
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Alan Toomre
Department of Mathematics
Glen L. Urban
Sloan School of Management
Wallace Vander Velde
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Robin Verdier
Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Eric A. von Hippel
Sloan School of Management
Frederick G. Walther
Lincoln Laboratory
Daniel I. C. Wang
Institute Professor
William Watson
History Section
James C. Weaver
Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
Robert A. Weinberg
Department of Biology
Stephen D. Weiner
Lincoln Laboratory
Clifford J. Weinstein
Lincoln Laboratory
Rainer Weiss
Department of Physics
Jerry Welch
Lincoln Laboratory
Sandy Wellford
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Roy E. Welsch
Sloan School of Management
William C. Wheaton
Center for Real Estate
Patricia A. White
Vice President for Research
Daniel E. Whitney
Sociotechnical Systems Research Center
Sheila Widnall
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Claude F. Williamson
Laboratory for Nuclear Science
David Gordon Wilson
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Gerald Wilson
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Nigel H. M. Wilson
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Patrick Henry Winston
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Gerald N. Wogan
Department of Biological Engineering
M. Loren Wood
Lincoln Laboratory
Bernhardt J. Wuensch
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Carl I. Wunsch
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Richard Jay Wurtman
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Ioannis V. Yannas
Health Sciences and Technology Program
Sidney Yip
Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering